I don’t believe that you are being fully prepared for the world that awaits you…

Professor LaTanya White

Professor LaTanya White

Growth Mindset Coach and Business Development Expert


Professor LaTanya White is a growth mindset business coach for multicultural women and minority entrepreneurs.  She helps them navigate through their confusion, fear, and insecurity to a place of clarity, confidence, and competence on their journey to Becoming FEARLESS- her proprietary (and wholistic) business development process.

Professor White has been featured in several media outlets including Ask.com, Essence Magazine, Florida A&M University magazine, Forbes.com and SiriusXM Radio.

…and I’m going to do everything in my power (and within the constraints of public higher education) to change that.

As I took the solo 13,000-mile trip to Bali, Indonesia to participate in the inaugural cohort for The Change School (formerly Change Ventures) in 2013, the reading material that my friend and colleague, Professor Kenyatta Rosier, allowed to me hold, changed my entire view of what higher education was supposed to do for students in the 21st century. Books like Tina Seelig’s What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 and inGenius, impacted my teaching style so much that I can’t even fathom going back to the way that I used to teach…which looked a LOT like the way that I was taught so many years ago.

As an advocate for an improved quality of life in communities of color- and my theory is that the best way for this to happen is through Black business development and entrepreneurship #jussayin, there are so many assumptions that many students make about what college should do for you and what it should be like. One of those assumptions is that your professor has all the answers and, while I can’t speak for my colleagues, I am beyond excited to say that I simply do not have all the answers.

If I did have all the answers, there would be nothing for me to learn. And if there is nothing for me to learn, what service can I be to you? My top three priorities in life are wholistic learning, balanced growth and impactful experiences. I hope that I can bring my 20+ years of experience in Corporate America, an entrepreneur and an educator into your classroom and lived experience to do those three important things every time we connect.

Enough of me lecturing though :).

What you will find below are my go-to resources (in priority order) that are going to help me fully prepare you for the world that is waiting for you beyond campus borders. Although, you have the entire semester to implement these resources, it actually be done 30 days or less….it all just depends on how motivated you are.

My goal in this class is for you to walk away with the identity and leadership mindset that will help make this world a better place.  But that’s only two parts of the three-legged stool. The last leg is the application of them- and that’s a whole ‘nother undertaking. I’m up for the challenge if you are, though! 

Follow this itinerary to start the journey to your leadership and identity legacy.....

Step 1: Select Your Destination (Pre-Work)

Ok, so this is a misnomer…by stating ‘Select Your Destination’, I am giving you the impression that YOU get to select your destination, when in fact, as your professor, we will work together to do that. 

Your initial thought might be that your destination to the land of the #degreed at some point during #gradszn….I beg to differ, though. I think those are only stops along the way to you making some significant impact over the course of your life. 

To prepare for this lifelong journey, we need to do some pre-work to make sure that you develop a solid foundation to help you really connect with all that you will be learning. Visit this website and let’s unpack what The Learning Scientists have seen to be among the best ways for students to learn. 


Step 2: Air vs. Ground

The image above is what I like to call my Identity Treasure Map. It gives you the 30,000 foot-view of the journey that I have taken over the course of my life and as you take this virtual walkabout with me, I’ll share the up close and personal view of who I am. You really get to Meet Professor White :). 

Using a sheet of paper in your Student Success Journal, follow the brief instructions on the Center for Creative Leadership Social Identity Map, take a moment to jot down how you see yourself. You will be provided with some prompts and follow-up questions to round out this exercise. With this perspective, you should be able to filter through the questions, relationships, people and commitments that you would normally allow to usurp your energy.

Professor White worked with Carlos Wilder of CTWBC, Inc. to translate her own identity map into the branded graphic above. 

Step 2a: Layovers and Connections

Now having been exposed to the ground-level view of the multiple layers of the concept of identity, it is time to make some connections between your own lived experiences and how that has shaped your view of the world and the lens through which you see it.

In a document file, use one of the four main writing styles to show and share who you are. This submission should be free from fatal errors and should both define and describe what YOUR given, chosen and core identity elements are.

It must also include a critical interpretation of your map using the questions that were posed in a previous discussion about how to deeply interpret your map.

Incorporate the three things that you feel are most important to you, making sure to unpack why those things are important and what you ultimately hope they will result in. Another way to look at this is to describe the three biggest goals you have for your life and why you chose those.

The writing should build a bridge between the elements of your identity and the goals you described. Reflect on the goals you stated- how do they align with who you are at your core, if at all? How are your goals a reflection of your highest potential, if at all? Or do you need to stretch more and set bigger life goals? What would those stretch goals be?

Finally, as you conclude, use your writing to teach a 5-year old the steps you need to take to accomplish those goals, making sure that teach how the different aspects of your identity will be used as the tool(s) to do so.

By the stated deadline, be sure to upload your document file to this Google Form.


Step 2b: #TransformationGoals

Hopefully, by now I have done a good job communicating to you and sharing with you why travel is so important to me. In the event that there is still some room for improvement on my part, the long and short of it all is that, to me at least, travel transforms you.

Likewise, the pursuit of your goals should transform you.

Based on the feedback that you have been given (or still need to get), use this Google Form to document the transformation you anticipate experiencing in pursuit of three different goals- professional, personal and financial.